Reputation Marketing FAQS

Reputation Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

Due to recent changes in search engine criteria for how to rank in search engine placements (SERPS), much emphasis is now being placed upon your business’s reputation. Now everyone in the world can see how your customers, patients, and clients, view and rate your product and services.

No one likes to have negative reviews written about them and almost every business owner that we have talked with has described the negative views about them as falling into 3 basic categories: unethical competitors, disgruntled ex-employees and irrational customers. However, the fact of the matter is that 72% of all people who read these reviews will take them at face value and as being real.

This section of Impact Masters answers many of the questions business owners like you have with the issues relating to handling these negative reviews and how to create more positive ones to project a better image to those who find information about your business. Simply click on the question and the answer will appear.